Re: Astrocade Unknown Game? From: Brett Bilbrey Sent: Fri 5/08/09 8:18 AM To: Adam Trionfo Ah, more luck with this one. I was thinking of doing a Maze II game. The maze game on the arcade was OK, but pretty easy. This was a starting attempt at doing a 3D maze game. Sort of like those plastic cubes that you have to work a marble through. The idea is that there are places on each level you can go up, or down. And you have work your way through not just X and Y, but Z as well. I was thinking of doing between 8 - 12 Z levels. But like with lots of my ideas, it turned out to be more idea, and less time. The point was that doing a maze game is easy on the Bally, and creating a 3D maze would be easy. But... as I was starting to draw it out, I realized that creating a 3D maze 'randomly' would be much, much trickier. So, I could create a fixed 3D maze that folks could play a few times (like the 3D plastic cube), but creating a cartridge that would create random mazes would be a bit harder. But again, too many ideas, too little time... :-) Brett On 5/8/09 8:04 AM, "Adam Trionfo" wrote: > > Brett, > > Attached is a page for one of your unfinished games. Do you recall which > Astrocade idea-for-a-game this page goes with? > > Adam